The race to determine who will be chosen in 2020 to serve as President is well under way. As things presently stand, the American People, and hence, the world, are in the fast lane to being short-changed again.
Among the cacophony of sound bytes, talking points, and platform positions, a crucial voice that should otherwise be driving the discourse, remains silent; namely, the voice of the American People. We have become accustomed to watching and listening to a parade of candidates, doing our best to discern whose ideas or campaign promises are most palatable.
Further complicating things, is the fact that the winner will come from one of two major political parties. It appears that one must be a member of the Democrat or Republic Parties to have a chance at running for the general election. This proviso further constrains not only what subjects will be discussed, but the stances the candidate will take.
For example, in support of the hysteria around the administration of vaccines to children, ostensibly as a “preventative” measure against certain diseases, lawmakers in some states have pushed policies that strip away a parent’s right to refuse such injections in spite of a dramatic and alarming rise in the frequency of adverse incidents, and over $4.2 billion in payouts.

In spite of these developments, wherein no natural, non-vaccine alternatives are even considered, the Democrat Presidential candidates, and Mr. Trump all sing the chorus that the shots must be given.
Common sense would suggest that these practices be curtailed at the very least, if not abandoned altogether. A significant portion of the population have expressed opposition to the pressure that state and federal agencies are exerting to “get the numbers” of vaccinated individuals higher, even though they are already above 90% for most. Yet, it appears that lawmakers have not noticed, or they just don’t care.
In either event, the American People’s voice in opposition to these initiatives, is not being sought, heard, or respected.
The Tyranny of Habituation
If someone wants their children to be vaccinated, their right is not being challenged. However, in spite of constant denials of connection, vaccine injections do great harm to the recipient, which the practitioners themselves are either blind to (according to their training), or they simply don’t want to be on duty when the public wakes up, en masse, to the medical and health tragedy that they are party to.
With the creation of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) in 1986, a way was made to deflect liability away from government and private sector operatives, by doling out payouts to parents who were able to “prove” their child had been injured by vaccine injections.
The first line on the NVICP website states:
Vaccines save lives by preventing disease.
This statement, and way of thinking, is not supported by science, or experience. Children are getting disease and dying as a result of these practices. Settling with money while requiring a parent to “prove” damage is a woefully inadequate response, when (1) the potential for such damage can be identified before the fact, and (2) natural alternatives that yield no adverse effects, are readily available.
Calling the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program a “no fault” alternative to the traditional legal system is certainly a misnomer. By focusing the issue of recourse on financial compensation, the practice itself is left unchallenged, leaving millions of children at continued risk. Furthermore, effective methods of prevention, as well as restoration (reversal) are suppressed.

Instead of showing caution, or curtailing the schedule in light of proven damage, administrators have elected to accelerate the schedule.
Favoring Principles Over Parties
Political elections should be conducted as a “race” between “two parties” (as their members the only ones having fun in this arrangement). Instead, they should be conducted in a way that allows candidates to present their *vision*, solutions, and plans, and see which ones resonate most with, and best serve, the broadest spectrum of American People.
The ability to “raise funds through traditional channels” is a gross limiter of options, because members of those “traditional channels” have agendas that are more important *to them* than the health or well-being of the American People.
How is an almost $800 billion “defense” budget (which pays for such items as “miniature” drones that cost $80,000 each and large drones that cost $15.9 million EACH (MQ-9 Reaper) and escalation of death and destruction, making America “great” or the world safe, especially when there exists NO national initiative to support a restoration of American soils, waters, and environment?

Those miniature drones are TOYS that are sold *only to military and law enforcement agencies* at a price of $80,000 each.

Years ago, Senator William Proxmire (D. WI) frequently pointed out these boondoggles, such as $600 toilet seat covers for the C-5 cargo plane.

Wanna know what has changed?
The Air Force recently announced that it would no longer pay $10,000 for that same toilet seat cover, for the same plane. They say they can 3D print it for $300.
There is no mention as to how and why did they allowed the price to escalate to such levels in the first place. These prices include billions that are allocated to build planes, such as the $400 billion F-35 Stealth Fighter that is rife with Category 1 flaws (see story), and the first billion dollar plane, the B-1 Lancer, and the even more expensive ($2 billion+) B-2 Spirit.
The cost of making these aircraft is only the start. There is the additional cost of operating (fuel, etc.) maintaining, as well as munitions and associated technologies, born of plans for military readiness for wars to come.
Where are the plans, overtures, or commitment to peace? The safety of the American People ~ if that were the true motivation behind these fiscally and psychologically irresponsible activities ~ is not served by increasing hostilities or fear, in the U.S. or abroad.
This is the same thinking that, during World War I, countermanded an attempt by soldiers on the Western Front to affect a truce during Christmas (1914).

And before anyone points fingers at the military branches, congress ultimately had to approve those expenditures too, as they are doing now.

But they can’t find reason (or compassion) to give real care to veterans, a high percentage of which are homeless, depressed (PTSD), and suicidal, who have given up their health, limbs, and lives, NOT FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, but to fan tensions and instigate conflict.
The payoff for the American People is dubious at best: starting with more debt. The so-called “National Debt” has surpassed $23 trillion as of this writing. Every dollar spent for planes, ships, drones, and bombs adds to those totals, for which we receive no useful return.
Infirmity, depression, disease, debt and suicide are “useful” to a very small segment of the population. Infrastructure, environment, and health ~ physical, mental, financial, and social, are left in the lurch.
In a continuation of the fiscal robbery that is the private monetary system, the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar continues to plummet. People are paying upwards to $100,000 for high-end American cars from GM and Ford.

Consider that in 1964, a Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud III cost a princely $16,660.

I realize that most of the population would have no recollection of this data because of not having yet been born. Therefore, the steady and expected decline in the value of money, which increases the difficulty and time it takes to acquire and maintain such assets as cars, homes, and other vital assets, is unlikely to engender protest, no matter how appropriate it may be.
Those who do recall these past times may be too busy trying to make ends meet, protecting what assets they have managed to build, or coping with the onslaught of chronic and degenerative disease, to take any steps to upset the apple cart..
Has anyone noticed the gross SILENCE around these topics, especially from the candidates, both the incumbent and the wannabes?
With “conversion rates” from health into the autism spectrum now at 1:59 children, or 16.8 per 1,000 as a consequence of standard health administration policies and practices, how can any politician support initiatives that try to force a parent to abdicate their responsibility and desire to protect their child according to their own knowledge, research, and common sense?
There are several very simple and definitive ways to demonstrate, not a connection between certain vaccines and autism, but a connection between said vaccine and the impairment of neurological, cognitive, and metabolic function. This is more important than the actual name that the medical profession has given the malady, for said names are not relevant to either the actual genesis of the problem, or the solution.

Vaccines are the Trojan horses of our age, moving past natural defenses based on the good faith trust that the public has granted the medical profession, which said profession, aided by education, government and quasi-government factions, have put so many children and future generations at risk.. even their own.
Ask yourself do you want four more years of this shit?

I’m not talking about Donald Trump. He was in my view, indeed, the better choice in 2016 of the two that were left. We deserve better than Donald Trump. However, we deserve better than every candidate that I’ve seen so far.
Ask yourself the following question: Which candidate(s) stand for the following:
- Health/Healing
- Circumcision MORATORIUM / CHOICE
- Approve a list of NATURAL ALTERNATIVES to oxygen reducing and electricity-disrupting, cellular-stress causing vaccines.
- Establish and support an initiative of large-scale CARBON REPLENISHMENT of soils, in both rural and urban areas. In addition to planting trees, some of those military subsidies can be used to make and distribute BIO-CHAR on soils, to increase their water retention capacity.
- Adopt WATER VITALIZATION technologies and strategies to gain more benefit from water used while REDUCING chemicals and demand.
- REBUILD ROADS, BRIDGES, and WATER DELIVERY infrastructure so as to use LESS chemicals.
There are just some of the things we can do to change the direction we’ve been headed.
There exists an adversarial relationship between the American People and its government representatives, most whom are unelected career administrators. Lulled into a lethargy of false security, the People have been unwitting and misinformed accomplices in their own social demise.
Building walls, dropping bombs, and directing energy weapons at “enemies” will not deliver us from the swamp. We can’t hide behind the dictum, “Our country, right or wrong.” America is doing a lot of wrong, both internationally and at home. If Americans don’t voice and register their disapproval and take action to change these habits, the habits will change Americans.
Study the Q drops again. Trump is the first non-puppet uncorrupt president America ha had since Lincoln. What you are wanting will come after the world has been cleaned but if things are to be done right and following the law, Trump has to play their Satanic system against them.
We could take over using the military, like would have happened if they had cheated Hillary to a win. Instead, a plan to take them out with as little disruption and fear is underway right now.
When 90% of the media is owned by 6 corporations who have sided with China because of 1.5 billion potential customers, the truth is hard for people to believe when the media tells them the opposite.
If the plan fails, we will be enslaved completely into a totalitarian communist system. We all want different things about the world to change but right now we need to support Trump and the military intelligence plan. Trump has lost billions becoming president. Search The 16 year plan. Then you will understand that the false flags were practice for fake WW3.
The Red Cross is a bogus money swindle and always has been. Thatis why Daniel Smith was betrayed by them.
I take it as you haven’t discovered QANON then?
Trump with the military is addressing everything you list whilst saving us from enslavement in a communist system
I used to think Howard Zinn was good until I found out he was a registered communist and as implementing the communist manifesto which involves making the population hate their history and reject a good and just God.Wake up man.
1st 10 mins will explain.
I’m familiar with QANON, and support the efforts reported on. However, people must wake themselves up. There are many areas that need change that require individual and local effort, which includes a sufficient level of education for a person to cut through the medical false flag activities such as we’re dealing with here. The people who shape our social thinking have very effectively sold the public on the pervasiveness of disease and the need to “fight” it through extractions, chemicals, and surgery. These practices leave the environment that fostered the dysfunction or pathology, either unchanged, or in an even more adverse state, with the innocent, and gullible public none the wiser.
While people sit on the sidelines and monitor the witch hunt and follow the published “health advisories” on COVID-19, they continue behaviors that actually contribute to their susceptibility, not simply to COVID-19, but to a wide manner of dysfunction and diseases. What good is a drained swamp if we’re still under the impression that we’re slaves to environmental, medical, and fiscal anarchy?